The information collected by the Cost Control Company and its oversight agency HUD is for the purpose of determining applicant eligibility, recommending unit size, and the amount of money a family should pay for rent and utilities.
HUD uses family income and other information to monitor and manage housing program funds, to protect the government, its finances, and interests and the accuracy of the information provided. HUD or housing management agencies/housing authority may verify the information provided via computer. This information may be shared with federal and state government agencies and when necessary, with prosecutors and civil or criminal investigators. However, the information will not be disclosed outside of HUD, unless permitted or required by law.
You must provide the information requested by the Public Housing Administration, including the Social Security number, of all members of the family composition older than six years. It is mandatory to present Social Security numbers. Refusing to submit Social Security numbers for all household members over the age of six may result in a delay or denial of your eligibility application.
Authority to Collect Information: The following laws authorize the collection of information by HUD, US Housing Act of 1937 (42 USC 1437 et. Seq.) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. The Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 (42 USC 3543) require all applicants and residents to submit their Social Security number, all members of the family over the age of six.
I/We certify that the information provided regarding family composition, income, assets, earnings, and deductions is accurate and complete. I/We understand that false information is punishable under federal law. I/We also understand that false information provided is the basis for the termination of application services and the cancellation of the lease.
I swear that all the information provided above about my family composition is true. I also understand that any change in household composition or income must be reported to the Public Housing Administration immediately.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the information contained in this statement is correct and complete.